Aadu- Kiviranna


Sale of 88 properties in Randvere, in Viimsi municipality

Utility construction and 88 private property sale in Aadu Kiviranna in 2005.


Apartment house on Graniidi street

Buying Graniidi 8, preparing a detailed plan and designing an apartment house - Artesio Plc. 2004-2006

Cooperation partner: Mai Shein Architectural


Apartment house in the old town

Broking and managing Kinga 1 in Tallinns old town in 2008-2009

Cooperation partner: Kalev REC Ltd.


Porperty plans in Muuga

Buying properties beside the Muuga port and preparing detailed plans in 2006-2008

Aviles Grupp Plc., detailed plans prepared by: ETP Grupp Plc.



Buying properties in Suurupi and Merihobu (Harku municipality) in 2007-2008

Infoprojekt Plc.


Buying properties and preparing detailed plan in Kloogaranna

Purchasing Police Recreation Base in Kloogaranna, preparing detailed plan and selling the properties, in 2004-2006

Engelson Plc. Cooperation partner: Optimal Projekt Plc.


Old town cafes

Purchasing cafeteria spaces in Suur-Karja 18 and in Vene 1 and selling in 2002-2004.

Vesiveski Plc.